Christian Forums Hub

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


The Internet has forever opened doors and windows on whole new vistas of communication. This is truly the World Wide Web. From your computer you can contact people all over the world 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

The best way to understand forums is to just explore them. Take some time to click on the following links. Read many posting on various sites. Sign up and contribute as God guides you.

This is just a hint of what the future holds. Forums are like blogs because they let anyone say anything about any subject. Those who write do not need to refer to the Bible, a book or an expert. This is wide open. Into this new frontier the gospel can go forth and so can the lies of the cults.

Many church members tend to forget that there vast areas of this planet where a person could not attend a Bible believing church without needing to commute hundreds or thousands of miles. Yet everyday more people are gaining access to the Internet for school, employment, shopping, entertainment, etc.

There are seeking teens that are asking deep questions on these forums. The quality of the answers ranges from terrible to excellent. See for yourself where the youth are learning about God, Jesus and the Bible.

Here are places to have fellowship with real people that are believers and unbelievers. It may take a while to get used to the media, pace, lingo and attitudes. But note that in past generations people wrote letters, had pen pals and discussed hot topics in the public square.


Back in the late 1990s I was a member of a large Baptist church. I took the evangelism training that they offered. I highly recommend Evangelism Explosion

There was lots of reading, discussion, prayer and memorizing verses. An important part of the training was application. While taking that course and after graduating I went out of the church’s weekly visitation. We went in teams of three with not all the same gender. One or more on the team was experienced.

We were given contact information of those who had visited the church and requested a visit. Or when those were in short supply we went to Laundromats or similar places to share the gospel. About half the time that the team had traveled many miles and found the person’s residence they were not home. So we left literature in a bag hanging on the door knob. All the people that went on visitation met at the beginning and end in the fellowship hall. There was a report of how many were contacted, prayer requests and those who were led to the Lord. This was a good system that had been used for many years.

After several months of this is struck me that many hours were invested to have a few minutes of conversation. Most of the conversations that I was involved with were pleasant but not very spiritual. I had far more to offer and so did my team mates than these people wanted to talk about in such a setting. Now hopefully some became members of Sunday school classes or developed long term relationship with believers.

By contrast I have spent a much shorter time reading and posting to Christian forums. For that I had a wide range of options in terms of how to engage. I have found that some time invested on Sunday afternoons allowed me to relate with people from all over the globe. Some have challenged my assumptions. Others have expressed appreciation for my contributions.


Christian Forums

Ultimate Christian Forum

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Crosswalk and Forum

My Guiding Light


Talk Jesus

Baptist Board

Faith and Fellowship

Christian Forums dot net

He Lives

Study Bible Forum

Faith Forum

Hearts at Home (for mothers at home and those who want to be)

also just put key words in to search engines
like Christian Forums into

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